Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Color the World

April is fast approaching, and it's "Autism Awareness Month" - a lot of other bloggers are planning to #ColortheWorld for #Autism, though, because autism doesn't just affect boys, and because autistic people don't necessarily want a cure, they want to be accepted for who they are, and who they have the potential to become.

For the month of April, I will open my blog up to others who have something to share on the topic at hand: Autism. There will be posts from parents of neurotypical children, as well as posts from adults on the spectrum, and parents of children and adults on the spectrum...who knows, it's still open - which is the point of this post - a call for submissions!

Do you have something to say about autism? Want to share how autism has touched your life? Want to rant about how unfair it all is? Let me know! Always wanted to share your voice, but too worried about grammar and spelling? I'll take care of that, I did it for a living for a couple of years, I haven't forgotten how to edit in an unbiased manner.

Even if you want to share your story, but aren't comfortable weaving a tale, if you want to be interviewed, we can do that! I loved writing feature stories when I worked at the local newspaper! Leave me a comment here, or send me a message on my Facebook page, and help us #ColortheWorldforAutism this April.

April is also:

-National Multiple Birth Awareness Month (who knew!) - so I'm going to ask another mom of twins on the spectrum to post from her perspective! I might even be able to sway the Punk Rock Papa himself into guest posting, who knows, he might be too busy with his masses.

- National Occupational Therapy Month - look for tips on my Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest pages!

There's a whole slew of things to be aware of in every month, these are the 3 I'm going to focus on, because they're relevant to what I'm doing here. Have something to share about any of these? Let me know!

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