Sunday, January 4, 2015

Not enough caffeine in the world

I don't know how people do this no sleep thing for years...I'm basically falling apart - every muscle in my body hurts from a lack of sleep. My brain's not too happy, either. It doesn't help that I'm supposed to lower my caffeine intake...

We have been on high alert for aggressive behaviors with the boys - they need some time apart, but other than taking one with me to the store, there aren't a lot of options until school starts back up and they get that 12 hours apart through the week.

Even with their trampoline, sit-n-spin, raver wand (that's what I'm calling it, it's something prismatic or whatnot...but it's essentially a raver's dream toy lol), bubble machine, finger paints, soft new blankets and plethora of toys, there is no keeping these boys pleased.

It's not cold enough to freeze, but it's too cold (and wet) to go play outside. At least it's Sunday and in a little over 24 hours they'll be getting ready to go back to school! But for 3 weeks they have been stir crazy.

Even with all that, I have mixed emotions about them going back to school, because their sleep schedule drains all of us - up from as long as 2-6 some nights, and then to get back up at 7:45 to get ready and leave by 8:15 - that wrecks every one's day (though they do nap better when they have school)

We've tried a later bedtime, they're ripping every one's faces off by 10 pm because they're so tired (naps are hit and miss these days), but then they're back up after 4-5 hours...we cannot keep this up - my chiari, my migraines and my fibromyalgia are all screaming at me every day. And to take a nap is basically a crime against humanity around here - if it's not the boys it's their father. And because I don't whine at every ache and pain like he does, then I must not be feeling it - and he doesn't need sleep so he doesn't at all get my need to nap on a daily basis...he also doesn't usually end up staying up with us - he falls asleep watching TV in the bedroom while I'm refereeing what appears to be an MMA fight in the living room...

That's not to say their dad doesn't help - he gets up with us, helps with breakfast and if I can yell loudly enough to get his attention/wake him up, he'll come help with whatever...but he doesn't necessarily know when he's sleeping, I've noticed.

At any rate, I've already told him I'm going back to sleep and he can play referee today - my eyes are burning, my stomach churning, my head is hurting and I just don't think I can handle another day running on just 3 hours of sleep.

Here's hoping 2015 brings better sleep for us all...because I've never been a morning person, and on 3-5 hours of sleep I'm even less of a morning person.

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